Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Learning Resolution:-)

My Learning Resolution

When I’m revising other’s paper, I wish I can make good comments and suggestions so that the writer can improve. To accomplish my goal, I have to read the handout from Ms.Johnson deeper. Maybe I can read some comments that different teachers wrote to me.
I also want to learn how to write papers for varieties of audiences. I usually write to the audience at my age so that they can feel sympathy while I read. I think reading books that has different audience will be a great way to help me in this way.
I can’t actually say that I am strong at transitional devices. I think I remember having an ok grade on my paper that requires many transitional devices. To adjust my grade and my knowledge, I think I should go over the notes and handouts again and try to write few sentence with transitional devices myself.
Those underline and quotation marks are just too hard for me to remember. I just can’t remember which one goes to which. It’s just too confusing! I always go like “Do I put underline or quotation around the title of a movie?” So at this point, I want to clearly know where to place them properly. I will go through a short novel, and try to put underline and quotation around them.
Combining all the information I found into a small portion of writing not only takes up much time, but it also takes up much of thinking. Taking notes as I read the information on the internet will help me to put them together well. If I just print them out, it will be harder to read.
Using different words lacks in my writing. More creative and variety of words will help me to write better papers. Memorizing more vocabularies and reading books can help me to achieve this goal.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My pantoum:-)


You and I will have a talk.
Why didn’t you clean your room?
I know you didn’t take doggy for a walk.
I told you to sweep the floor with the broom.

Why didn’t you clean your room?
You will be grounded for a week.
I told you to sweep the floor with the broom.
Eat your gingers, or you’ll get weak.

You will be grounded for a week.
You can not watch TV today.
Eat your gingers, or you’ll get weak.
I know you played all day.

You can not watch TV today.
I know you didn’t take doggy for a walk.
I know you played all day.
You and I will have a talk.

My list poem:-)

I hate Poems

Poems are boring,

Poems are old-stylish.

Poems are not easy to understand,

Poems are ‘too much punctuational’.

Poems give me headache,

Poems give me sighs.

Poems give me sleep,

Pomes give me Cs and Ds.

I hate poems.

Oh I hate poems.

Oh please I hate poems.

But, again like usual,
I am writing a poem right now.

My narrative poem:-)


I live in a doorway
between two rooms.

With short-sleeves, blue jeans, and flip-flops,
surrounded by dozens of girls,
ordering XL double rich gold extra cheese pizzas,
three in a row.
Laughing, screaming, chatting, singing and even dancing-
Until an angry neighbor hammers at the door.

With an MLB jacket, Adidas shirt, Abercrombie jeans and Nike shoes,
attached with a boyfriend,
ordering only a piece of 90% fat free light vegetable tofu,
holding my growling stomach.
Smiling, listening, nodding and even pretending-
Until we say good-bye.

My sound poem:-)


As the celebrities slide to the red carpet,
flashing, clicking, and chattering rises themselves up.
As Angelina Jolie bites her juicy lips,
as Hugh Grant performs his smooth England accent,
as Brad Pitt gifts his best smile,
screaming, shouting, and crying pour themselves out loud.

Yawning celebrities?
Flashes jump from Paparazzi’s camera.
Flirting celebrities?
Pens jump up from reporter’s hands.

Busy busy Hollywood,
wrapped up with the World’s best actors and singers,
shines the World, glows the World.

My Cinquain:-)

Shining, dangling
fitting, tightening, exploding
puny lock
a gateway for clothes.

My definition essay:-)


“To me you are perfect. And my wasted heart will love you. Until you look like this... Merry Christmas. (Love Actually, movie)” Now, you would have probably recognized this quote if you have seen the fabulous movie called “Love Actually.” I knew that you will nod in assent! Well, let’s say that you are looking at a guy who has cards like Andrew Lincoln had. Let’s also say that he was doing all these stuffs with love cards. And in front him, there is a beautiful woman... oops let me rephrase that. In front of him, there is a mirror. Whoever he is, he was looking at the mirror. He was saying the beautiful quote to himself. We call this ‘Narcissism’. If you are a Korean, ‘prince/princess disease’ will be more comfortable. In this essay, you’ll get to know what Narcissism is.
The word Narcissism came from a Greek myth. There was a guy named Narcissus. Narcissus was a very charming macho man. Many women adored Narcissus, but he had no interest in women. There was a nymph named Echo who especially liked Narcissus. But like he did to every woman, he refused. Echo got so hurt that she died, calling Narcissus. So a goddess put a curse on Narcissus. One day, Narcissus was bending down to a pond to drink water because he was thirsty after hunting. When he saw his reflection on water, he suddenly fell in love with it. Narcissus was furious to be with his reflection, so he decided to stay next to his reflection. He did not eat nor sleep. Then one day, Narcissus died. The word Narcissism occurred after Narcissus’s death. Because Narcissus was the first one in the World who has fallen in love with themselves, the combined his name ‘Narcissus’ with the word that usually describes diseases ‘sm’ and create a new vocabulary called ‘Narcissism’. Then, people started to use the word Narcissism if they see someone who loves themselves too much.
Narcissism is a psychotic disorder. In easy words, it means Narcissism is a mental disease. Falling in deep love with yourself that it even blocks you from eating, studying and sleeping is not possible with normal people. There was an article about this issue, made by Alvarez. They said when a person chooses a mate; they usually consider their age, family relationship, education, characteristic… et cetera. But if a person with Narcissism looks at themselves, they ‘seek criteria of beauty or reproductive fitness in the context of self-reference (Wikipedia)’. Though Narcissism can be healed, it is best for you to not get involved.
Narcissism is important and both dangerous at the same time. If you love yourself too much, you won’t be able to do other things like Narcissus did. So it’s very important to balance the amount of love. If you go crazy on yourself, you’ll have both internal and external difficulties. Like no one will want to go near you if you have Narcissism. And your parents will send you to a physiologist. Also, if you love yourself too much, you won’t be able to do school works because you’ll be too busy, thinking about yourself. But for the most important part- you’ll get hurt. It’s same with when you love others. You will always think of them, and you will always want to see him/her. And because it is not possible to go on a date with your reflection, you’ll get depression. So it’s extremely important to balance the amount of love you’re giving. Or else, you might be left with serious consequences.
Narcissism is from a Greek mythology. Narcissism happens when you love yourself so much that you won’t be able to do other things. It is very important not to have Narcissism because Narcissism is a physiological disease. You might get depression by loving yourself and it can lead you to death. Just remember. All kinds of love have its boundaries that you shall never cross…